Following my passion
Reflective Styling & Curation, based in Columbus, Ohio, was born out of my passion for creating an experience, a feeling, a moment through visual storytelling. Objects are my medium. I search for unique objects, decorations, furniture and art, that are many times the cast offs from those who previously cherished these pieces. I instinctively gravitate towards things with patina, soul, history and a slight bit of wear and tear, knowing there was a story there once and another waiting to be told.
I purposely aim to create a juxtaposition when layering items of different eras, styles, materials or colors. Things that would never seem to work together separately, but when brought together through a thoughtful eye and styled to create a unique composition, complement each other.
- Kelly
What’s in a name?
The word “reflective” resonated so deeply with me for many reasons.
My ultimate goal is to help people create a space or celebration that truly is reflective of their own style and taste, something that feels like them to their core and sparks something in their souls.
Every day we have the opportunity to evolve and become new and better versions of ourselves, but I believe it is imperative to reflect on where we’ve been and what we want so we can move forward with clarity and purpose.
And as you will see in my work, I love anything that is reflective of light, a mirror, a polished brass bowl, a mercury glass votive, that reflective glimmer brings me joy.
My design philosophy
I believe good things can’t be rushed. That a space becomes beautiful and personal only when things have meaning, collected over time, from travels, from different phases of one’s life. I aim to make you stop and feel something, get curious about an item or think that is kind of weird but cool, if even for a moment.
While it would be easy to collect everything from one store or decorate with the current trends, my philosophy is to create spaces or celebrations that are truly reflective of one’s authentic self, what moves their soul. I typically do this through thrifting at estate sales or consignment shops and mixing your personal collections with high and low, odd and safe, new and old… things with patina and charm to reflect the most authentic version of yourself.
Email: kelly@reflective-style.com